September 26, 2011

What is Pecan Candy?

The goal of this blog to highlight the history of "pecan candy." If you did not know, "pecan candy" is the term many African-Americans from New Orleans use to refer to what is commonly known as praline. Another African-American term is "plarine." If you noticed the letters l and r have switched places. This came from the french-speaking Creoles (African-Americans) who were unable to pronounce praline.

I never used the term "praline" until I started my research a few years ago. The only reason I began using it was because when I spoke to people outside of the African-American community about "pecan candy" they had no idea what I was talking about. As a result , the term praline has slowly crept into my vocabulary. No matter what you call them: Pecan Candy, Plarine, or Praline, they are still delicious treats with an even more delicious history.

September 25, 2011

What a Sweet Life!!!

"When life hands you pecans, make pecan candy."